Saturday, June 27, 2009

Waving at Pretty Girls...

This is a story I must put down, or else I may forget it, and some day I'd like to come back to read of this night, of most amusing occurances.

Mark, Jesse and I decided tonight we would go see the new transformers movie, so we gathered at Jesse's place in Banff before driving to the theatre.

When we left for the movie we debated over who would drive - in a stark contrast from high school, it was an argument over who had to drive instead of who got to drive. Mark lost the battle.

As we pulled into the parking lot, Mark spotted a space by the back. As he was pulling into the space, the vehicle to our right was backing out.

Mark made the mistake of looking over at the driver, who happened to be an attractive young blonde - whom he knew from one of the restaurants in town. She smilled and waved. Of course, Mark being the eternal ladies man, waved back. Totally distracted from the task at hand.

As he waved, his car - recently repaired, drove right up onto the curb!

Way to go Mark! Teach you to wave at girls!

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