Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The regular season for softball came to a close today it has been a fun and exciting 2 months of ball. I've learned a lot during this time about everything that it takes to put together a winning team. There is soo much strategy! Who would have thought there was any strategy in softball?

So, to end the season we were up against a team that was 13 - 0, and if you looked back over the last few years they were probably 50+ - 0! In other words, they haven't lost in years. -k. Not sure exactly how many years, but it is at least 4, possibly 6.

So, we were expecting a big game! Now keep in mind that we were 13 - 0 as well. This game was the clash of the titans! The winner took sole possesion of 1st, the loser hopes for revenge in the finals.

It was actually a really short game. Most likely because of the stellar defence played by both teams. We started off right by keeping them to no scoring in the first inning, and scoring a few runs ourselves to get ahead.

It stayed close the entire game, noone would get many runs, and we always managed to stay in the lead... I think it irked them as we caysed them to suffer their first defeat in... 4+ years!

It was an exciting moment when I realized the game was over! One girl actually phoned home right after the game to tell her mother about it. It was great to be a part of this team and finally strike back at the #1 team for the last few years!

Now, let's hope we can push through the playoffs and beat them again in the finals! -kve been on a team that has won the league only to go go on to an early exit from the playoffs too many times out here!

Oh, and the best part about the night was that when I was talking to a girl from another team she said that we were the most fun team to play against. It's nice to hear that people still can enjoy playing ball and have fun with it, and still be the #1 team :)

Anyway, it's bedtime!

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